Enjoy cultivating the art of living more. Just choose the category of Friend most suited to you and become the Centre.
The arts move, illuminate, transform. They have effects that go beyond the senses.
Sometimes an exhibition, a concert, a play, a film, a choreography or a poem are much more than simply interesting. Sometimes they move us. Then you have a memorable experience that allows you to grow as a person. And, from that moment on, the word “spectator” no longer applies.
Whether you know it or not, you are more than someone who just spectates. You see. You think. You feel. You want. You do. And that’s why—for you— Centro Botín isn’t just a building, an art centre, or an auditorium.
Centro Botín is a living space where the arts become emotions. A door for you to go through the mirror and experience what is brewing in the mind of the artist. A place where you meet people who feel the same as you; where you do new things that stop time; where you express ideas you didn’t know you had; where you unfurl your own creativity and discover other worlds. And all that simply by having a good time.
Enjoy cultivating the art of living more. Just choose the category of Friend most suited to you and become the Centre.
And, if you wish to give someone the gift of a year full of good experiences, click here.
INDIVIDUAL 30 € Per year
25 to 64 years of age
16-25 YOUNG FRIEND 20 € Per year
16 to 25 years of age
YOUNG >65 20 € Per year
Over 65s
FAMILY 55 € Per year
Families with children under 25 years old
PREMIUM 200 € Per year
If you want everything
If you need information or want to make a suggestion, please contact us below. Thank you.
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